Inline Blocks


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This page presents a brief introduction for each of the inline enjin blocks.


Header Blocks

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Header blocks are used to present page and content headings with optional navigational menus and footers. This page for example starts with a header block that has a navigational menu with links to all the different inline block descriptions on this page.


Notice Blocks

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Notice blocks are used to present notifications within the normal page flow. A simple example would be a notice of site maintenance or other important information that is contextually outside the page flow.


Table of Contents Blocks

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Table of Contents blocks are relatively self-explanatory, they present a list of links to the various sections of the page content.


Image Blocks

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Like content blocks, image blocks are very commonly used. Image blocks display configured images with an array of aesthetic possibilities such as aspect-ratio constraints, positioning and so on.


Icon Blocks

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Icon blocks present either font-awesome icons or custom CSS composing graphical content.


Card Blocks

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Card blocks present summary content, typically with an accompanying image and linking to the actual content the block is summarizing. For example, the slides of a carousel block are card blocks.


Content Blocks

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Content blocks are used to present general content and are likely the most common of all the various enjin blocks.
