Notice Block

Read this first!

Notices, unlink other enjin blocks, do not have headers, they have summaries. You just clicked on the summary.

This notice includes hidden details not mentioned in the summary and so is presented with an expanding indicator and when clicked by the end-user, the additional details are revealed.

As with all blocks, even Notice blocks can have footers.

Does nothing


page title heading deeplink

The Notice block is a simple notification for the end-user. These are typically informational content that does not necessarily have any relevance to the given page they're presented on.

Some typical-world examples of Notices would be things like site maintenance notifications, warnings, and error messages.

Expanded by default

Content editors can specify that the full details are presented immediately and that the notice can be dismissed from the page.

If there are no additional details provided, the summary is not presented as a visual (false) heading and instead is presented with a smaller font, allowing for more content. This is visually reflected by the expander icon changing to an information icon.

All the types...

page title heading deeplink

Below is one of every type of notice available to content editors:


Example info notice

Example warn notice

Example error notice