Page Types


page title heading deeplink

Page types in Go-Enjin are a fundamental way of identifying standard content and there are really only three page types at this time:

  • page - the common, normal, base page type
  • query - enables using PageQL to build normal page content
  • anything else

Content editors will likely only ever use the first two mentioned, however, the search pages for example uses a type of search . This value could be literally anything other than page and query and causes Go-Enjin to exclude them within the content provider features.


Query RSS Feed

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Using the query page type and .tmpl page format, making an RSS feed is trivial. Specify the queries in the front-matter section and then sculpt a little XML in the content section. All done.


Query Page

page title heading deeplink

Using the query page type and .njn.tmpl page format, generating content is trivial. Specify the queries in the front-matter section and then sculpt a little JSON in the content section. All done.


ThisIp Page

page title heading deeplink

This is the custom page type which powers's main page.
