Container Fields


page title heading deeplink

Container fields are just like the inline-fields with the exception that they are more like wrappers around content rather than finite content providers themselves.


Container Fields

page title heading deeplink
The following table details the container fields supported:
tag name sample, html
blockquote blockquote

All paragraphs within a blockquote have quotes added.

This text should not be quoted, yet still within the block-quoted content. With a caption given, a figcaption immediately follows the blockquote with additional styles applied to visually compose the quote and the caption together.
An author, Go-Enjin

code code fragment

This paragraph contains a code fragment: Example() , which is inline with this text. The following is also a code fragment and because it is not within a paragraph, it will preserve the spacing as if it, were wrapped in a pre tag.

// Example is just an example Go function func Example() { // this demonstrates a multi-line code field // Semantic Enjin treats this as multi-line // because it is not within a paragraph tag }

The following is a decorated code field. Code fields typically have no fields in their content, just plain text. For these decorated code fields, Go-Enjin automatically splits the text on new-lines and wraps the entire list of lines of code as an ordered-list with each line it's own list-item. This is done to provide more interactivity such as highlight the hovered-over line and of course have the line numbers displayed beside.

  1. // DecoratedExample is another Go function
  2. func DecoratedExample() {
  3. // this demonstrates a multi-line code field
  4. // which Go-Enjin prepared with each line wrapped in it's own list-item
  5. // which allows Semantic Enjin to style with line numbers
  6. }

dl description listing
dl is the description list element which contains one or more description terms (dt) with their corresponding description details (dd).
dt is one description term described within the description list.
dt is one description detail describing the preceding description term.

table table

A table is used to present all of these container fields.

<table {attributes}>
ol ordered list
  1. the first item
  2. the second item

<ol {attributes}>
p paragraph

This is paragraph content. It can only contain inline fields. The text within can be long and will line-wrap nicely. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

A second paragraph will have a top-margin set.

<p {attributes}>{inline-content}</p>
pre preformatted text
This content
  has a staircase
    effect due to the
      preformatted empty space

<pre {attributes}>{text}</pre>
ul unordered list
  • one item
  • another item

<ul {attributes}>