Header Block


page title heading deeplink

The Header enjin block is typically the first block on any page and present title-level semantic content.

All enjin blocks can have their own relative header, section and footer content. The Header block provides additional features to the basic block structure which focus on the presentation of page-title level semantic content.


About Headers

Heading Levels

page title heading deeplink

Header blocks are the only enjin block which can have an <h1> tag. All semantic enjin based pages can have one and only one level-1 header tags because semantically speaking, this is the document's primary title and it does not make sense to have more than one primary title on a given page because screen readers are an important target of support for the semantic enjin theming system.

Within the Semantic Enjin systems, content editors are presented with the ability to configure headers (and footers) for each enjin block they add to a page. There's no capacity presented where an editor can indicate the header priority because the priority is dictated by the general document outline or layout of the content and that layout is dictated by the page-level metadata and the order (and nesting) of enjin blocks on the page.

For example: this page starts with a standard header block and because it's both the first block on the page and it's a header block, it's header section gets an <h1> tag.

The next block is a content block and because it's in the top level of the page block list, it gets an <h2> tag.

The next block after that is a second header block and because it's in the top level of the page block list and not the first, it too gets an <h2> tag.

This is where the semantics show up, the following block after the second header block is a normal content block, however there is the preceeding header block which tells the general document outline to increment to the next level of headings and thus this content block has an <h3> tag.


Header Navigation

In-Page Navigation

page title heading deeplink

All header blocks have an additional feature, that of an in-page navigation list, normally rendered as a horizontal bar of links to different parts of the same page. These links cannot be to other parts of the site, nor can they be to any other domain either.

That may seem limiting, however, it is in fact a semantically correct approach because this particular link placement is for the convenience of navigating up or down from the current place on what is likely a long an informative document worthy of being stored for historical context by archive.org .

The best way to link to off-or-same site content is to use the Link-List block which allows for just about any form of link including files for download like PDFs.

The header block preceding this content block has in-page-nav links, as does the first header block on this page. Editors of course can choose which blocks are presented in any given header block's in-page-nav list.
